ケーススタディ - バンクーバー国際空港、旅客の移動を改善




タグ セキュリティ 交通

Q-Track™ 3D LiDARが物理的セキュリティに新たな一面を加える




タグ セキュリティ

ケーススタディ - 中東の大国の陸軍兵舎(境界侵入検知)


課題 中近東に位置する大国のある軍の顧客は、軍の兵舎周辺への侵入検知に関して、カメラベースの解析とサーマルカメラで構成される旧セキュリティ・システムで多数の誤報を経験していました。その古いソリューションは、結局のところ...


タグ セキュリティ

今こそ3D LiDARの出番




タグ セキュリティ

Case Study - Major Canadian International Airport Mantrap Tailgating Solution

May 25, 2023  |  SonnySekhon

Challenge A major Canadian Airport was experiencing tailgating at their various mantraps/vestibules that separated secure and unsecure areas.  Quanergy Solution Quanergy’s mantrap solution, which consists of MQ-8 series LiDAR sensors and QORTEX DTC perception software, can detect tailgating throu...


タグ セキュリティ

Case Study - Global Datacenter & Cloud Services Provider - Perimeter Intrusion Detection

May 18, 2023  |  SonnySekhon

Challenge Alarm Fatigue: A global data center and cloud services provider experienced hundreds of thousands of alarms generated by their old security system over the course of 7 months, which ended up masking two real threats due to alarm fatigue. Quanergy Solution A solution consisting of MQ-8 3D ...


タグ セキュリティ

The LiDAR-enabled Mantrap Tailgating Solution

January 10, 2023  |  Sonny Sekhon

For organizations where security is at the forefront, making sure no unauthorized people gain access to restricted areas is critical, to put it mildly. Many of these locations – airports, and data centers are just two examples – have implemented mantraps, vestibules, airlocks, or sally ports. Th...


タグ セキュリティ

Don’t overlook the role of physical security in your cybersecurity strategy

October 27, 2022  |  Gerald Becker

Cybersecurity and physical security are intrinsically linked. You can’t have true cybersecurity if you haven’t also bolstered your physical security defenses. This is especially true when we think about critical infrastructure.  Here’s why: If an intruder gets access to your data center or ot...


タグ セキュリティ

Working with Pimser to bring high-end security solutions in Turkey

September 29, 2022  |  Thomas Napora

Ankara, Turkey-based Pimser is a security consultant, system integrator and distributor that specializes in high-end security projects. Their clients span sectors including law enforcement, critical infrastructure and government — areas that need the utmost in protection. With a focus on card pass...


タグ セキュリティ

Automating critical physical security processes

September 07, 2022  |  Gerald Becker

While much of the dominant conversation around securing critical infrastructure and other facilities has focused on cybersecurity as of late, that doesn’t mean physical security can take a back seat. It must remain top of mind.  Current physical security solutions are lacking; they simply can’t...


タグ セキュリティ