Why LiDAR is the Next Level of Physical Security

May 19, 2021  |  GeraldBecker

Managing physical security is an ever-growing challenge. Monitoring and controlling access and other security measures is a critical requirement in government institutions, public venues, transportation centers, border gateways, businesses, and other locations. The ability for management and securit...


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Why LiDAR is the Ideal Port Safety Solution

May 12, 2021  |  TonyRigoni

Shipping ports are extremely busy areas, with workers trying to move shipping containers between ship and shore as quickly as possible. Today’s shipping vessels can easily hold 10-25k TEU (Twenty Foot Equivalent) which requires thousands of containers that need to be moved from each vessel and, as...


Tags:  Industrial

LiDAR Doesn’t Lie

April 07, 2021  |  GeraldBaker

Years ago, securing a building meant some savory – or unsavory – character sitting in front of a building with a shotgun and hot cup of coffee in tow. This is a far cry from where physical security sits today, as overtime, alarm security systems emerged and then were supplemented with video came...


タグ セキュリティ

Increasing Port Terminal productivity with 3D Visualizations

February 23, 2021  |  TonyRigoni

Adopting LiDAR Technology for Terminal Automation Ports are becoming automated at increasing rates around the world. According to McKinsey&Co., 80% of port automation experts and port senior executives believe more than half of all greenfield projects will be partially or fully automated in the ...


Tags:  Industrial

How LiDAR Helps Retail Management Maximize Operations

September 28, 2020  |  Enzo Signore

Today’s retail management function is much more than simply making sure shelves are stocked and stores are staffed. It’s about understanding, managing, and maximizing traffic patterns in retail stores, shopping malls, and other locations. The idea is to truly understand customer preferences and ...


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Why LiDAR is the Ideal Technology for Bringing Businesses Back During a Pandemic

July 08, 2020  |  Enzo Signore

We’re all coping with an unprecedented situation during the COVID-19 pandemic, as millions of businesses have been closed or are only offering very limited service, employees have been sent home to work, and stay-at-home orders have been instituted in most countries.  Events and activities that w...


Tags:  Social Distancing

Meet the Quanergy Team: Chief Marketing Officer, Enzo Signore

March 27, 2020  |  SonaKim

In this series, we’ll be interviewing team members at Quanergy to give you insight into what they do day-to-day at the company and how they spend their time outside the office. First up, we have the newest member of our team, Quanergy’s new CMO, Enzo Signore. Read on to find out what he&...


Tags:  Quanergy