Quanergy 宣布符合 NDAA 标准

2023 年 6 月 22 日 |GeraldBecker

在 Quanergy,安全是我们激光雷达解决方案的关键应用。我们专注于物理安全,但我们也认识到网络安全的重要性。随着网络攻击的不断发展和成倍增加,我们致力于竭尽所能,确保为我们的客户提供一套安全、合规的产品。




2022 年 10 月 27 日 |杰拉尔德-贝克尔

网络安全和实体安全有着内在的联系。如果不同时加强实体安全防御,就无法实现真正的网络安全。当我们考虑关键基础设施时,这一点尤为重要。 原因如下:如果入侵者进入您的数据中心或其他...


标签 安全


2022 年 9 月 7 日 |杰拉尔德-贝克尔

虽然近期围绕关键基础设施和其他设施安全的主流话题主要集中在网络安全上,但这并不意味着实体安全可以退居其次。实体安全必须放在首位。 目前的实体安全解决方案存在不足;它们根本无法...


标签 安全

How 3D Data Changes the Game for Physical Security

July 14, 2022  |  Gerald Becker

Innovative technology has enhanced physical security through innovative ways of detecting intrusions within a region of interest.  A story that has come to light in the last few years is vigilantes trying to break into gas tanks, following the price surge and it is apparent how these situations co...


标签 安全

EOS and Quanergy: Bringing LiDAR security to Australia and New Zealand

April 22, 2022  |  Gerald Becker

One of the largest electronics security distributors in Australia is now a Quanergy distributor, marking Quanergy’s first such distributor in the region as the company continues its growth trajectory. EOS is an Australasia-wide leader in the design, supply, development and support of electronic ...


标签 安全

Join Us @ Security’s Biggest Game: ISC West

March 23, 2022  |  GeraldBecker

The Biggest Game in Football is in the rear-view mirror as the league heads into its offseason. From free agent moves, to draft day board-climbers, general managers do their due diligence to deliver results on the field. In the business world, championship-grade physical security demands the same du...


标签 安全

Find the Future of Physical Security in 3D LiDAR

September 08, 2021  |  Gerald Becker

Physical security is an evolving proposition. Whether talking about critical infrastructure, intrusion detection, border security, or access control, myriad options exist but best practice points true north. LiDAR is delivering a new paradigm with a more accurate, effective, and user-friendly path t...


标签 安全

Quanergy & Digital Mortar Quantify Customer Journey with LiDAR

August 18, 2021  |  Gerald Becker

“People tracking” has become a vital service – measuring not only capacity, but flow and habits of individuals, groups of people and consumers as a whole. Digital Mortar’s goal is to assist companies with these analytics – and they’ve partnered with Quanergy, using advanced LiDAR...


标签 智能空间

Why LiDAR is the Next Level of Physical Security

May 19, 2021  |  GeraldBecker

Managing physical security is an ever-growing challenge. Monitoring and controlling access and other security measures is a critical requirement in government institutions, public venues, transportation centers, border gateways, businesses, and other locations. The ability for management and securit...


标签 安全