
2022 年 10 月 27 日 |杰拉尔德-贝克尔

网络安全和实体安全有着内在的联系。如果不同时加强实体安全防御,就无法实现真正的网络安全。当我们考虑关键基础设施时,这一点尤为重要。 原因如下:如果入侵者进入您的数据中心或其他...


标签 安全

How 3D Technology is Making Ports Safer

October 05, 2022  |  Tony Rigoni

By Tony Rigoni, director of industrial automation market development and alliances, Quanergy Ports and terminals are becoming increasingly automated, making it even more important to keep operations running smoothly while protecting personnel safety. Avoiding collisions is especially critical. Not o...


Tags:  Industrial

与 Pimser 合作为土耳其带来高端安全解决方案

2022 年 9 月 29 日 |托马斯-纳波拉

总部位于土耳其安卡拉的 Pimser 公司是一家专门从事高端安全项目的安全顾问、系统集成商和分销商。他们的客户遍及执法、重要基础设施和政府等领域,这些领域都需要最大程度的保护。 Pimsiser 专注于卡式通行证系统。


标签 安全


2022 年 9 月 7 日 |杰拉尔德-贝克尔

虽然近期围绕关键基础设施和其他设施安全的主流话题主要集中在网络安全上,但这并不意味着实体安全可以退居其次。实体安全必须放在首位。 目前的实体安全解决方案存在不足;它们根本无法...


标签 安全

Want to Protect Critical Infrastructure? It’s Time to Switch from 2D to 3D

August 24, 2022  |  EnzoSignore

Is our critical infrastructure fully protected? Are our security systems guaranteed to accurately detect intruders 24/7, day or night, and under any weather conditions? Can our guard personnel effectively distinguish between real threats and false alarms? These are some of the key questions that chi...


标签 安全

Using LiDAR for real-time location systems: Introducing the concept of TfAT

August 10, 2022  |  TonyRigoni

Enterprise and industrial assets – especially fleet equipment – are increasingly expensive, marking just one reason why monitoring and tracking these assets is paramount.  Asset tracking is extremely important – especially in a situation like a warehouse or a loading dock. Think about the num...


Tags:  Industrial

功能强大、特性丰富的 MQ-8 3D 激光雷达传感器更胜一筹

2022 年 7 月 22 日 |Sonny Sekhon

To help better serve our customers, we’ve added new enhancements and upgrades to our flagship MQ-8™ Series 3D LiDAR sensor and made it more powerful and easier to deploy, use, and maintain than ever.  First introduced in May 2020, the MQ-8 Series 3D LiDAR sensor, combined with the powerful QORT...


标签 安全

How 3D Data Changes the Game for Physical Security

July 14, 2022  |  Gerald Becker

Innovative technology has enhanced physical security through innovative ways of detecting intrusions within a region of interest.  A story that has come to light in the last few years is vigilantes trying to break into gas tanks, following the price surge and it is apparent how these situations co...


标签 安全

What is Industrial LiDAR?

June 30, 2022  |  TonyRigoni

LiDAR technologies are rapidly transforming many industries ranging from material handling to factories, logistics, ports, mining and agriculture by optimizing critical operational processes, increasing efficiency through automation and increasing safety through collision avoidance. This is what we ...


Tags:  Industrial

Building a safer, more optimized transportation system: How 3D LiDAR can make it happen

May 25, 2022  |  Brad Sherrard

Quanergy to present at Lidar Coalition summit panel focused on US roadways  By Brad Sherrard, Chief Revenue Officer, Quanergy Traffic fatalities reached a record high in 2021 – an estimated 42,915 people died on U.S. roadways, the highest number of fatalities since 2005. That’s according to the...


标签 智慧城市